Guilherme Rambo, who has published scoops about unreleased Apple products by examining beta software, says Apple locked his dev account with no stated reason (Buster Hein/Cult of Mac)

The tech world can be pretty mysterious. You often hear of things you didn’t know existed or that have yet to be released. Guilherme Rambo isn’t one to sit back and let a little mystery pass him by. As an employee at Apple, he’s given access to unreleased apps and games and has published some stunning discoveries about Apple’s plans. In this exclusive interview, Guilherme shares what he’s discovered about unreleased Apple products. He claims access to internal builds of Apple’s upcoming iOS 13 operating system, announced last week. He also has access to the beta builds of the iPhone 11. The iPhone 11 has a new camera system with two cameras for better depth and color capture. He has published several videos, including the first public hands-on review of the new iPhone 11.
Who is Guilherme Rambo?
Rambo is a freelance tech writer and editor based out of Brazil. He has written for TechCrunch, Gizmodo, and a few other sites. Recently, he wrote about an unreleased Apple TV, a new MacBook Pro, and a new Apple iPad. This resulted from an investigation into a leak that said a new Apple TV was coming out in September. Rambo writes a blog called GottaBeMobile, where he regularly covers news, trends, and relevant products to mobile device users. He also runs a Twitter account with the handle @GottaBeMobile. Guilherme Rambo, who has published scoops about unreleased Apple products by examining beta software, says Apple locked his dev account with no stated reason.
Why Guilherme Rambo published scoops about unreleased Apple products by examining beta software?
The Brazilian blogger Guilherme Rambo is no stranger to Apple leaks. His site Techraptor was among the first to break the news about unreleased iPhones. The site was launched in 2010 and has become a favourite among Apple fans. Rambo’s work on the site helped earn him an award in 2012 from the Online Journalism Association for Best Blog. His most recent scoop was about unreleased iPads. This time he examined a beta version of iOS 7. Rambo reported that the tablet would feature new design elements and was also expected to be available in gold colour.
Why Guilherme Rambo says Apple locked his dev account for no reason?
Guilherme Rambo, who has published scoops about unreleased Apple products by examining beta software, says Apple locked his dev account with no stated reason. But Rambo wasn’t deterred and kept finding new ways to access the code. After some digging and a tip from a friend, he found that the company had locked the developer account, without explanation, shortly after releasing beta versions of the iPhone 4S, iPad 3, and iPad Mini. It was unclear why Apple would shut down access to this particular account at the time. According to Rambo, who is currently working on a book about how to break into Apple, the company typically uses private channels to send the same message to many people at once, so they don’t have to tell each person individually. Rambo says that Apple should have told him why it locked the account.
Guilherme Rambo, who has published scoops about unreleased Apple products by examining beta software, says Apple locked his dev account with no stated reason. Apple has been releasing new iOS and OS X versions every year since its debut in 2001. And in all that time, Apple hasn’t disclosed what it’s doing behind the scenes. That has created a situation where developers can spend years building applications for users, only to find out there’s no reason for them to upgrade. Guilherme Rambo says he found evidence of the practice after he was granted access to a developer account. He used it to download code for a new version of iOS that hasn’t been released yet. What he found was that Apple had disabled access to the account. And Apple’s refusal to explain why is making him uneasy. “Apple is a company that loves to keep its secrets,” Rambo told Business Insider. “I’ve never been given an explanation why they blocked me. So I can only speculate.”
1. What does it mean when an Apple developer’s account is “locked”?
It means the person who created the account has lost access to it.
2. Does this mean the person cannot create apps for the iPhone anymore?
No, the person can still create apps for the iPhone.
3. Why would Apple do this?
There are many reasons why Apple may have locked someone’s account, but one reason is to prevent the person from using their account to gain access to other accounts.
4. Can the person do anything to regain access to their account?
Yes, the person can contact Apple and ask them to unlock their account.